Building A Career In iOS

4 min readMar 1, 2022


Worlds First iOS Developer | CEO of iOSBFree

Building A Career In iOS

I wish I could go back in time and tell myself what a glorious success the iPhone would become before I poured my blood sweat and tears into what can only be referred to as ‘giving it a try’. Back then, we lived in the unknown clinging to the marvellous potential we saw in iOS. But now, we see very clearly that the growth of mobile and technology is the future and the future belongs to the mobile developer!

Small Companies / Small Teams

I am fortunate enough to have had some great success in my career and I can trace it all back to the straps and small companies that worked me like a dog in the beginning. Looking back I can honestly say that it was what made me. It was a varied experience that only a small company could offer.

Working for a larger and more corporate organisation is fine if that’s your choice. But we must realise the differences that this will cost you. Yes, you will have access to more money faster and perhaps you won't have to work so hard as you can stick to your scheduled hours and spend most of your time sitting in meetings. But this may in fact harm your progress with your career too because you are at heart a coder and that’s what people hire you for. If you can’t code to a high level and be well practiced in it then your chances to move on to anther employer are limited and may not come around that often.

Experience is what creates a world class developer. Someone who is familiar with the unknown and understands how to research alongside how to learn.

Career Things

A Career Thing is something that you can say about your career. I.e. you could say that you increased profits for the mobile app by increasing conversion somehow.

How ever you make improvements for either the product, team or the company you should have something to say about how you benefitted your employers in the past.

Companies want to know that their new hire is going to add something. They want them to introduce new technology, new ideas, more analytical data and of course to implement new features that impress their audience. This is why the interview process is so tough. They want someone who can make a difference and prove it before they are hired. Believe me, it will make such a huge difference if you can wow them with previous stories and past achievements. I guess you could say that it might make you a safe choice if they decide to take a chance on you.

Our advice is to seek out the areas in which you can make improvements around the office and in the product too.


If you are not specialising then you may be missing a trick to BOOST your career forwards by a substantial degree.

Most developers look towards management for their basic career plan by default. Becoming a manager may not in fact be what you want but it seems like a steady progression forwards to be more important. Now, this may have been true in the past but it’s not the same world anymore and developers hold the power in terms of being the gatekeepers to new features and increased profits. I would offer some advice to perhaps think about the path you are moving towards and if it is the most lucrative choice.

Why not read our article on specialising?


iOS Developers can build a highly successful and profitable career within the iOS industry in less than 10 years. If you train and push yourself then it’s also possible to achieve within only 5 years. With the use of online tools such as online courses, tutorials or learning websites such as YouTube or it has never been easier to dominate in any category (providing that you study hard).

Our advice is to specialise in one area such as native iOS, apply a little extra effort to achieve several defining career achievements (Career Things) and to work within smaller teams to broaden the variety of responsibilities and tasks you expose yourself to in order to grow your experience and talent.

Now, make a plan and go get started! 😃

Thank you for reading.
Much love 🧡❤️💜.
The iOSBFree team.

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We teach Junior & Mid-level iOS Developers how to build a profitable career in iOS. We focus on much more than just coding. We focus on their iOS Career.