Why Specialise In iOS?

4 min readJan 23, 2022


Worlds First iOS Developer | CEO of iOSBFree

Why Specialise In iOS?

Working inside the mobile app industry developers are now overwhelmed by the ever-expanding diversity of opportunities and job roles that are presented to them. Some companies want developers to write code for cross-platform software. Others focus on specific teams to generate individual native products, whilst new and upcoming startups are embracing code-sharing between both Android & iOS using languages such as Kotlin. Whatever the role, developers will now need to think about and evaluate the effect that accepting such an opportunity will have on their careers.

Now at this point, I must say that the benefits of specialising cannot be exaggerated. The excitement and child-like amusement from doing something different is very compelling indeed, but who wants to employ a Jack-of-all-trades? No one. No one is the answer. Employers want the consultant! They want an experienced specialist who knows exactly what needs to be done and has the many years of knowledge required to meet their every need.

The Specialist

By specialising in one platform and only one type of solution (e.g. native iOS developers) we become specialists. Any type of specialist within any industry will be paid a higher rate than their fellow Jack-of-all-trades. The reason for this is simple. It’s because they specialise and will be able to solve the exact problems they’re paid for. Even though a mixed bag of experience, such as coding both native iOS and Android with a bit of backend implementation may seem like a good idea at the time, it won’t help get that high paying job later on.

I guess what we’re saying here is that a company will pay a premium for someone who can deliver exactly what they need and not a lot of stuff that they don’t need right now.

A specialist knows more than anyone else and receives a premium rate for their specialised service.

Learning From Experience

After many years of experience, I now realise that those who dabbled in a bit of everything simply stood for nothing. They always appeared to know a lot about a lot, but in reality, they had only skimmed the surface of a lot of different areas. Junior developers reading this can certainly capitalise by making a note to structure and engineer their own career path and not just let life take its own course.

We should think and strategise about our long-term goals and what end result we want from our careers. If we want stability, freedom, power and financial security then might I suggest that specialising in the world's no.1 most profitable company may be a no-brainer! That’s Apple if you hadn’t guessed it.

If I were to quickly discuss my own personal experience as a native iOS Consultant I would simply state that my career went higher and faster than my colleagues simply because I specialised. Financially, I more than doubled the salaries of my peers and had so much freedom of movement that I even took a sabbatical around the world for several years.


Whatever you decide to do in your career it’s ultimately your choice and you should be comfortable with what ever decision you make. Some people focus solely on the financial rewards and others work for the sheer enjoyment of what they do.

The main piece of advice here is to create a plan of attack for the direction of your career and not just let it evolve by itself. By accepting roles that diversify our skills we move yet another step away from specialising and another step closer towards a lesser designed career path.

Be aware of the direction in which you’re heading. Go with your heart. But please go with a clear direction of where you’re headed.

Thank you for reading.
Much love 🧡❤️💜.
The iOSBFree team.

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