Pandemic Born iOS Engineers

4 min readMar 2, 2022


CEO of iOSBFree | Worlds First OS Developer

Pandemic Born iOS Engineers

Rising from the ashes of the economic destruction caused by Covid-19 is the new age of iOS developers. Not born from University degrees or bloated academic backgrounds but new life finding its path from redundancy and desperation. Fear not, because every negative must reveal its positive counterpart. A new age has begun! The global Covid-19 pandemic has triggered the rise of online education — welcome to the age of self-taught online certified software engineers!

The Covid-19 Pandemic

During the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, Udemy (the no.1 online learning & re-skilling platform) witnessed huge spikes in their user traffic worldwide from students drawn toward the iOS platform. A positive side-effect from all those who lost their jobs, livelihoods and financial stability from the companies forced to pause their operations and reduce staff.

iOS is the incredibly successful operating system for the world's most profitable company (that’s right, no.1 most profitable) and 2.9 million developers are writing code for it. Is it any wonder why this vibrant and ever-evolving platform is attracting so many engineers?

Time To Re-Skill

Now is the time to re-skill, change profession and grow a career in iOS.Our company, iOSBFree is here to help and offers both FREE and paid online services available to anyone in the world who has access to a computer!

iOSBFree Ltd is 1 year old born out of the desperation and despair we all witnessed during the Covid-19 pandemic. It’s difficult to offer help even when you know you can provide it. We didn’t know what to do or how to offer support. But then we started providing free online training and thus began the support for re-training and re-skilling for new Junior iOS Developers who are planning their future. Yes. This is the answer for us! We decided to start a free service available to all worldwide with the focus on learning how to build a successful and profitable career in iOS. That’s what we do. We support your iOS career, help build it, grow it and also BOOST it into a well-architected highly paid remote-friendly MEGA CAREER that will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Train To Be The Best

iOS Developers are in short supply and having inside information about the industry I can tell you this has not changed. Despite iOS Developers being available on the market, it’s almost impossible to find hardworking individuals who focus on both the engineering and the growth of the product itself. Sadly most people would rather avoid their daily tasks and spend their time in meetings and so, here lies our main point 👉🏿 Train to be good (or even the best) and you’ll be chosen above everyone else. With the availability of online courses created by industry leaders and world-class professionals, it’s never been easier to gather the information required to reach the top of any industry — all you need to do is train and study!


The disruption of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought some unexpected opportunities. Individuals around the world can sculpt successful and highly profitable remote-friendly careers from the comfort of their living room simply by enrolling in online courses.

They can become the best by learning from the best and so, the only question remaining after reading this article is; Do you want to learn some solid fundamentals about engineering, architecture, memory management, coding, CV writing, interview techniques and how to grow your iOS career from one of the worlds first iOS Developers who have reached the peak of their career?

If your answer is YES then look no further and get started today!
Simply click this link and study the FREE material and ONLINE COURSES.

Click here now 👉

Thank you for reading.
Much love 🧡❤️💜.
The iOSBFree team.

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We teach Junior & Mid-level iOS Developers how to build a profitable career in iOS. We focus on much more than just coding. We focus on their iOS Career.