How To Get A Job In iOS

4 min readMar 2, 2022


Worlds First iOS Developer | CEO of iOSBFree

How To Get A Job In iOS

With iOS Developers being in such high demand it has never been easier to get a job as it is right now. Apple is investing in new devices and a considerable amount of R&D (Research & Development), which means that this growth will only increase over the next few years.

If you are an aspiring new iOS developer and you’re looking for your next role then we may have some tips that might interest you! 👇


Linked In is a great tool for both job hunting and building a professional business network. You won't even have to perform the searching yourself as recruiters (both internal and external) will contact you about potential opportunities and iOS roles. We 100% recommend building up your LinkedIn network and profile page. It’s worth every minute you spend writing a top-notch profile containing every role and highlighting each exciting project where you have been an active contributor etc.

You can also use Linkedin to search for jobs as many companies now advertise there. They’re not posted daily but registering for job notifications is an absolute must if you’re actively searching for new roles.


Recruiters are your best friends. Don’t avoid them. Instead, run towards them! Recruiters directly benefit from your success and receive a hefty commission based on your annual salary. This means that they want you to receive a job offer (with more money) just as much as you do. i.e. it’s in their best interest to help you out.

I’ve had a great deal of experience dealing with recruiters and while I understand the general public opinion can be a little mixed because their approach is extremely forward and very pushy, we must use every available tool in our toolbox. Recruiters are a very powerful tool and if you want to BOOST your career forwards you should add them to your tactical arsenal.

👉🏾 If you want to fast track the interviewing process and get a higher paying role faster then use recruiters!

Write A Better CV

Ensure that you build a 2 page CV with bullet points that list your skills at the beginning of the first page. Reduce the use of written paragraphs and make your CV stand out amongst the crowd with your unique experience.

You must create an award-winning CV because that is how you sell yourself and offer your service to the world. You can, and should think of yourself as a product that needs to be sold to its audience. Perhaps we would all be better off by thinking of this as a marketing problem. Our task then becomes creating an advertising campaign exclusively to sell ourselves and our work.

Our CV is our opportunity to do exactly that!
iOSBFree have created a FREE DOWNLOADABLE CV Guide and editable CV Template just for our students and customers. Why not take a look now?

Get More Career Things

As we discussed in another iOSBFree article you should collect as many Career Things as possible and list them all (bullet points) on your CV. Make them bold. Make them stand out. In fact, smack the reader in the face with your amazing contribution to previous roles so your application burns itself into their mind. By shouting about our Career Thing or multiple Career Things, we are labelling ourselves with some sort of fact or activity. i.e. This CV was the person who did X at Y!

For me personally, I am one of the first iOS developers in the world and that is how I am guaranteed an interview every single time my CV is passed across someone's desk.

A Career Thing is something that we have accomplished in our careers.
e.g. “I increased profits by £500,000 by focussing on the conversion of user registration when users first open the app”

For any readers out there who do not yet have any Career Things do not fear or become demotivated, simply set a goal (successful people set goals) to get some! Decide on what you want to achieve. Set a 6-month timeline to achieve it and then go achieve it! Good luck!

iOSBFree also provides a FREE Career Guide on setting goals.

Thank you for reading.
Much love 🧡❤️💜.
The iOSBFree team.

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